From 27 August to 8 October 2024, the CAA is consulting on a proposal to change the level of its levies, fees and charges.

The review is intended to re-establish a sustainable funding model for the period between 1 July 2025 and 30 June 2027.

As the Government’s primary civil aviation safety and security regulator, our paramount priority is ensuring the safety and security performance of the aviation system and its users. By undertaking our regulatory functions, we provide assurance that the aviation system is safe and secure, and that people are safe and feel safe when participating in, or engaging with, the aviation system.

Read the full consultation document [PDF 983 KB]

You can make a submission by:

Filling in the submission form below or by downloading and completing one of these forms and emailing to

Pricing review PDF submission form [PDF 253 KB]

Pricing review WORD submission form [DOCX 305 KB]

This consultation is open from Tuesday 27 August until 5pm Tuesday 8 October.

  CAA AvSec
Option 1 (preferred) All fees, levies, and charges are adjusted for inflation, with funding for residual costs recovered through increasing the passenger safety levies Raise the domestic and international passenger security levies by the same/similar proportion
Option 2 Increase all fees, levies and charges by the same percentage Raise the international passenger security levy only
Option 3 Increase passenger safety levies to cover all increased costs, with no increase to other fees, levies and charges Create a new single combined levy

Submission form

Personal information consent

I agree to my details being used for the purposes of my submission. I understand my data will be held securely. I have a right to change or access my information. (See our Privacy notice (/about-us/website-information/privacy/) for more details).

All submissions become public information and can be requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Please indicate clearly if any parts of your submission are commercially sensitive, or if you have any other reasons for not wanting that information to be disclosed. We’ll consider this when making a decision in respect of any OIA requests. We cannot guarantee confidentiality in respect of any specific submissions.