Published date: 26 February 2025

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) will conduct a safety audit of New Zealand’s aviation system in July 2025. The audit looks at the government agencies responsible for setting and administering policy, rules regulations; as well as operators and participants within the aviation system responsible for complying with rules and regulations and upholding aviation safety.

The lead agencies are Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Ministry of Transport (MOT) and Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC), and work is underway to coordinate the audit. Preparation involves a ‘self-assessment’ by responding in detail to more than 1,000 questions from ICAO. ICAO auditors will visit New Zealand from 9-22 July to conduct a series of detailed interviews with CAA, MOT, TAIC and a range of aviation operators in New Zealand.

On behalf of CAA, TAIC and MOT, CAA Deputy Chief Executive System Practice and Design John Kay said the three agencies are committed to enhancing aviation safety and enabling an effective audit of our system.

“Safety in our aviation system is our number one priority and the reason for everything we do. Achieving the level of safety established through international standards, set by ICAO, is a critical requirement for New Zealand’s participation in the global aviation community,” he said.

“Aviation safety as an outcome depends on the practices of all participants and operators,” he said, “given the complexity of the aviation system we expect there will be areas that New Zealand can improve.”

ICAO monitors the performance of its 193 member States (countries) which ensures a safe and integrated international aviation system and enables safe international travel for passengers around the world. For each area of the audit, ICAO issues results which are combined to determine an Effective Implementation (EI) score. Detailed findings from the audit will be addressed through corrective action plans.

The last full safety audit of New Zealand was in 2006. A limited safety audit was conducted in 2016[1] just one audit area (accident and incident investigation). The current EI score for New Zealand is 84.56%.[2]

The lead agencies are currently finalising answers to ICAO’s questions which will be submitted in May. A detailed schedule confirming all dates and organisations to be interviewed will be confirmed by ICAO by the end of May.


[1] The 2016 safety audit was intended to be a full audit but was impacted by the November 2016 Kaikoura earthquake which resulted in the closure of CAA’s premises.
[2] The 2006 EI score was 83.59%. The 2016 limited audit raised the EI score to 85.63%. The score has been revalidated since then using new methodologies.


Supporting information [PDF 179 KB]


Media contacts

Joint release from the Civil Aviation Authority, Ministry of Transport, and Transport Accident Investigation Commission.

Civil Aviation Authority: | 027 763 0000

Ministry of Transport: | 022 015 8213

Transport Accident Investigation Commission: | 0275635272