Published date: 13 January 2025

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has drafted an Advisory Circular about cabin safety, and is seeking feedback from Deaf and disabled people, in addition to feedback from air operators and other aviation participants.

ACs contain information about standards, practices, and procedures for the aviation sector, that explain an acceptable means of compliance with Civil Aviation Rules.

The cabin safety AC includes advice about Special categories of passengers, and Preparing for passengers’ communication needs. This advice could impact disabled and Deaf people, so we want to be sure that it is helpful. Anyone who identifies as Deaf or disabled, or who represents these communities, are welcome to make a submission through our website. 

AC91-25 Revision 0, Passenger Safety Briefings [PDF 541 KB]

We've also prepared an outline of the key points:

Outline of Advisory Circular AC91-25, Passenger Safety Briefings [PDF 154 KB]

We’ve been working with  Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People to share this invitation with the Deaf and disabled community through their networks. We'll share what we learn through the consultation process with them.

If you have any comments or feedback, please send this via the Advisory Circular feedback form for AC91-25.

Comments close Monday 3 March 2025.