Information on previous funding reviews is available below.
The Authority has reviewed the cost recovery framework of the Aviation Security Service (Avsec). The purpose of this principles-based review was to revisit whether the existing cost recovery framework is still fit to fund Avsec to deliver its statutory functions. This review considered who should pay for these functions, how should those parties pay and how much should be paid.
Consultation on the Authority’s proposals for changes to Avsec’s cost recovery framework was undertaken 14 August to 12 September 2018.
The final rates have been agreed by Cabinet and will be implemented from 1 July 2019.
The Summary of Submissions document provides more information on the issues raised by submitters, as well as the final levy rates.
Aviation Security Service Funding Review 2018/19 Summary of submissions [PDF 752 KB]
Avsec Funding Review Consultation Document 2018/19 [PDF 3.4 MB]
Aviation Security Service Funding Review 2018/19 - FAQs for the consultation period - includes commonly asked questions from stakeholders
Changes to Civil Aviation Authority safety levies, fees and charges will take effect from 1 July 2017.
The changes will provide better safety incentives and help ensure that aviation participants are paying a fairer share of the costs of safety oversight.
The key changes are:
Removal of the hourly charge for routine surveillance (audits and inspection). In those circumstances where operators are found to be non-compliant, follow-up activity will be charged at the existing standard hourly rate.
New activity-based operations safety levies for air transport and commercial transport operators.
Reduction of the medical certification application fee from $272.17 to $105 (GST exclusive). Applications that require an Accredited Medical Conclusion and take longer than two hours to process will be charged at the hourly standard rate for all hours in excess of the two.
Equalisation of the domestic and international passenger safety levy to a common value of $1.60 (GST exclusive)
Suspension of the participation levy for out of service aircraft
If you have any queries or concerns about the changes, please email
The CAA is seeking feedback from those involved in the aviation sector on the discussion document on the Funding Framework for Regulatory Services. This is Phase Two of the CAA’s Triennial Funding Review for the period from 2016-2019.
Proposed Changes to the Funding Arrangements for the CAA’s Regulatory Functions 2016-19 - Phase Two - Consultation [PDF 1 MB] (submissions closed 19 Feb 2016)
Questions and answers [PDF 63 KB]
To help you to understand the options outlined in the discussion document, we held a series of consultation workshops in late November and early December 2015 in Wellington, Queenstown, Christchurch, Nelson, Auckland, Hamilton and Palmerston North.
Presentation Slides - Funding Arrangements for the CAA’s Regulatory Functions 2016-19 [PDF 283 KB]
We have developed a set of flowcharts to help you to calculate the impact of the proposed changes to CAA Levies Fees and Charges upon your operations.
As part of this review, the Ministry of Transport examined a proposal to fund the CAA by way of a fuel excise or a fuel levy.
Analysis of an Aviation fuel levy [PDF 374 KB] (Ministry of Transport)
As New Zealand’s civil aviation regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority has a statutory obligation under the Civil Aviation Act 1990 to promote civil aviation safety and security and contribute to an integrated, safe, responsive, and sustainable transport system.
The Authority recovers the costs of its regulatory activities through a mix of Government funding, industry levies, hourly charges, and specific fees. Government funding is determined through an annual budgeting process. Fees, charges, and levies are reviewed every three years.
As directed by Cabinet in August 2012, the Authority is expected to provide advice on any recommended changes to existing fees, charges, and levies to the Minister of Transport by 1 July 2015.
The review is focused more on re-balancing the CAA's revenues than on increasing revenue. To enable that, the current funding review project is divided into two stages.
The first stage is focused on the underlying principles of the Authority’s funding framework, and addresses the question, “Who Should Pay?”, and “How should they pay”, for the Authority’s services.
The second stage is focused on answering the question, "How much should they pay?".
In July 2014, the CAA released a discussion document and a set of questions and answers to assist those who wished to provide written responses.
Discussion Document on the Funding Framework for Regulatory Services 2015-18 [PDF 456 KB]
Two seminars were held in each of Nelson, Christchurch, Queenstown, Auckland, Palmerston North and Wellington, and over 170 people attended the seminars.