Certificated organisations are permitted to use the CAA logo with certain conditions.

The CAA logo must be less prominent than the organisation’s logo or masthead.

It should be placed at the bottom of the document, sign, or webpage.

A proof is to be sent to comms@caa.govt.nz before the work is public. This can be a PDF or an image file.

If you would like us to provide the logo for you, please email web@caa.govt.nz and specify which rule part your organisation is certificated for.


The wording must include: “Part XXX certificated”. For example, “Part 115 certificated”. Organisations certificated under Part 119 should include that as well as 121, or 125, or 135. For example, “Part 119/135 certificated”.

It must not use the wording “approved” and must not imply any endorsement by the CAA.

Website links

Where the logo is used on a website, It is helpful to users if the image links to the CAA website, aviation.govt.nz, but this isn't essential. However, the CAA logo must not be used as a link to any other website or document.

Minimum clear space

The logo needs generous space around it to breathe and to be clearly visible.

The minimum space required around the logo must be equal to the height of the 'wings' of the logo.

CAA logo with clear space


The minimum size to reproduce the logo is 30mm wide for printed collateral and 160px wide for digital use.

The recommended size for A4 documents is 32 mm wide.


Our logo lockup cannot be altered in any way. Do not recolour, rotate, crop, stretch or resize the proportions.

Always ensure there’s enough contrast between the logo and its background so it is fully readable.


Permission to use the CAA logo is on the understanding that this is a privilege and not a right. If the organisation ceases to hold a certificate, then the privilege is withdrawn, and use of the logo must cease.

The CAA reserves the right to amend these conditions without notice.


Any enquires about use of the CAA logo should be sent to comms@caa.govt.nz, including requests for the file.