Published: 11 August 2020
Effective: 11 August 2020

ATA Chapter: 27


This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) revised to expand the CAN applicability and bring attention to cracks found in the elevator bellcrank assembly brackets P/N 0411289-1 and P/N 0411290 on a second Cessna A152 aeroplane.


Cessna 150, 152 and A152 series, all S/N.


This Continuing Airworthiness Notice (CAN) is revised to expand the applicability and bring attention to cracks found in the elevator bellcrank assembly brackets P/N 0411289-1 and P/N 0411290 on a second Cessna A152 aeroplane.


During a 100-hour inspection on a Cessna A152, cracks were found in brackets P/N 0411289-1 and P/N 0411290. These brackets are part of the elevator bellcrank and bracket assembly located below floor level in the forward cockpit area. For further details refer to Figure 25 in the Cessna 152 and A152 Parts Catalogue and the two photos provided in this CAN.


The CAA strongly recommends a detailed visual inspection of the elevator bellcrank and bracket assembly located below floor level in the forward cockpit area for any defects, corrosion and cracks at every 100 hour/annual control system inspection.

For the purpose of this CAN, a detailed inspection is: ‘An intensive examination of an assembly or part to detect damage, failure or irregularity. Available lighting is normally supplemented with a direct source of good lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate. Inspection aids such as mirror, magnifying lenses etc. may be necessary. Surface cleaning may be required.’


If any defects are found, then complete a CA005D Defect Report form and submit the completed form to the CAA at or report findings via the online reporting system available at link)

Please include details of findings and include any other relevant technical information. Defect report forms can be obtained from