New Product Types (aircraft, engines and propellers) which are designed and manufactured in New Zealand go through a Type Certification process which can take several years to show that the aircraft design complies with the appropriate aircraft design requirements. An applicant for a Type Certificate will require certification as a Part 146 Design Organisation and Part 148 manufacturing organisation.
New Zealand aircraft type certificates is a list of standard or restricted category aircraft for which NZ is the state of design (e.g. Pacific Aerospace Ltd 750xl).
Product Types (aircraft, engines and propellers) that are designed and manufactured overseas need to be Type Accepted before the first of type can be imported into New Zealand and issued with a certificate of airworthiness. This is to ensure the type meets acceptable airworthiness standards, meets the New Zealand rules and that CAA have the information required to support the aircraft type.
Type acceptance reports is a list of standard or restricted category aircraft, engines and propellers designed outside of NZ that have been type accepted by CAA. A list of all type accepted Products is published as Appendix 2 in AC21-1 - Product Certification - Type Acceptance Certificates.
Advisory circular references:
AC21-1 - Product Certification - Type Acceptance Certificates