Published date: 6 March 2025


This AC describes an acceptable means of compliance with requirements related to pilot licences and ratings, to assist applicant(s), to meet the requirements of Civil Aviation Rule Part 61 Pilot Licences and Ratings.

Related rules

This AC relates to Civil Aviation Rule Part 61 Pilot Licences and Ratings, specifically Subpart A, General.

Change notice

Revision 14 makes changes to align with new sections and rule parts under the Civil Aviation Act 2023 (CA Act 2023), minor stylistic updates and updates the section relating to online applications on page 5. It also:

  • clarifies the requirements of rule 61.21, Flight tests, regarding remedial training and retesting, and where CAA authorisation is required, and
  • adds a new Appendix 1, Guidance for remedial training and CAA authorisation, so the previous Appendix 1 is now Appendix 2.

Note: Section 7.1, Medical Certificates, refers to the CA Act 2023 in the text, but adds a footnote to the equivalent reference in the CA Act 1990.