Print version: Ensure the power lever friction is set and serviceable [PDF 1.5 MB]

Issued 2014

A safety investigation has identified that when a pilot operating a fixed-wing aircraft, in the agricultural role, releases the power lever on take-off to place their hand on the ‘dump’ lever, there is a potential safety risk of the power lever migrating back uncommanded.

This movement of the power lever could cause the engine to develop less power, leading to an undesired power loss at a critical phase of flight.

The CAA strongly recommends that Part 137 fixed-wing pilots frequently check the power lever friction system for correct operation. If the friction system cannot be tightened sufficiently to prevent the levers from moving, report findings to maintenance for corrective action before further flight.

To ensure correct operation the power lever friction system must be appropriately maintained and the pilot must check and set the friction system correctly before flight.

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