We monitor aviation safety performance and risk in line with international practice.
The risk profile we create for a sector will include:
Profiles are sector-based because, while something like power lines might be a risk to agricultural operations, they're less of a risk to airlines.
Sector risk profiles help us target our actions and resources, but some risks are beyond our influence.
Their greatest value comes from the sector understanding and minimising the risks it faces.
Learn more about sector risk profiles in the video below:
We'll engage the industry through workshops and surveys, identifying hazards and risks relevant to the sector. Further engagement between industry and we will identify risk owners and possible controls and treatments. This work will culminate in a treatment action plan that will assist ongoing continual improvement in safety of the sector.
In addition to Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holders, there are many stakeholders in the industry and the wider community with whom engagement is essential to a successful sector risk profiling exercise. We will work closely with these stakeholders to identify and understand the risks to the sector.
The safety management system (SMS) rules require organisations to proactively identify hazards and associated risks, and then manage those risks to ensure the safety of their operations. The information gathered for the SRP will further support participants in determining which risks are relevant to their organisation and include them and any treatment in their day to day SMS.
Developing a SRP is also a valuable means of addressing some key safety issues that the Authority considers to be a priority for aviation in New Zealand, such as: loss of control in flight; runway excursions; airborne conflict; and Queenstown operations.
The SRP will support and enhance our risk-based approach to safety oversight. The risks identified through the SRP can be used to inform our future certification and surveillance activities, ensuring efficient and effective focus on areas of higher risk. The risks identified through the SRP may also provide an opportunity to initiate and inform 'theme-based' initiatives to improve sector safety.