Find out more about our flight instructor seminars below.

Chief Flight Instructor seminars 2025

The seminars will be run in two locations this year: Christchurch and Auckland. These two-day seminars cover a range of different topics, aimed for all Chief Flight Instructors and Senior Instructors. There is a limit of 35 attendees at each seminar.

Some of the topics include:

  • Supervision
  • Remedial training
  • Pilot maintenance
  • Aging pilots
  • Neuro-diversity

A seminar programme will be available once finalised.

Click the links below to register through the payment portal.


Christchurch (Commodore Airport Hotel)
Auckland (Sudima Airport Hotel)

Seminar fee

There is a non-refundable fee of $100 including GST, per person to attend.

All accommodation and travel costs are at your own expense. Breakfast on day 2 and all beverages (except regular tea/coffee/water) across both days are NOT included, however morning/afternoon tea and lunch are included on both days, as well as dinner at the end of day 1.

Health, safety and well-being

For those registered to attend:

  • Only attend if you’re physically well and free from any obvious symptoms of infections illness, such as cough, cold, sore throat and fever.
  • If you have any symptoms that could be COVID-19, but you’re otherwise well, please conduct a rapid antigen test (RAT) prior to the seminar to confirm if you’re COVID free.

Any questions, please contact

In the event the seminar is fully booked, please contact the above email for waitlisting.