We need your help, so we can help you stay safe.

Here at the CAA, we’re regularly asked about what happens to all those reports participants make – up to 9,000 a year.

Despite that huge number of reports, we compile and analyse them all – everything from encountering severe icing to accidents.

So we know, for instance, that, between 1 January 2019 until 30 June 2024 there were 1,474 occurrences reported by private aeroplane pilots.

But that raw figure doesn’t tell us if this is a high number or a relatively low number. What we need to know is how many hours were flown by private pilots over the same period.

When we know the number of hours flown, as well as the number of occurrences, we get a ‘rate’ – so we know if 2 percent of flights had something go awry. Or 92 percent.

Then we know where to concentrate our education and other resources to warn you of increased risk in some part of the aviation system.

So, if you’re a private aircraft owner, you’ll get an email from us in late December, asking you to report your aircraft operating statistics.

Do your bit and help us improve the quality of the advice we give back to you. (And it is a legal thing).

If you want to have a look at that stat about private flying occurrences since 2019 – and lots of other really interesting figures, go to:

Occurrence and activity dashboard

Improved reporting forms for ag operators

In response to advice from the Agricultural Aviation Association, we’ve simplified the current Part 137 agricultural operators statistics form.

The changes include the following:

  • We’ve removed the fields Aircraft registrations, For other agricultural operations and Total non-productive hours.
  • We’ve simplified the Solid products applied

Please note that you’re still required to supply aircraft operating statistics (hours) data and agricultural statistics data. Go to:

Aircraft Operations Statistics Helicopter and Part 137 Agricultural Operators [XLSX 168 KB]

The changes will take place for the Q4 2024 reporting period, and those stats are due 1 February 2025.

Please discard any old forms you may have saved and refer to our website for the updated spreadsheet version of the form. (The PDF format is no longer available).

The form for reporting online via our Websurvey portal is being updated as well, should you wish to continue using that way to report your stats.

Any questions? Email stats@caa.govt.nz.


Main photo: iStock.com/tntemerson

Posted in Agricultural operations, Reporting, Aircraft owner and aircraft;

Posted 3 months ago