Failing to maintain good comms while flying your drone can lead to embarrassment. Maybe worse.

In November 2024, an unmanned aircraft operator certificated under Part 102 had Airways staff at Rotorua Airport on tenterhooks, as their drone hovered over Runway 18/36, halting departures, and affecting an inbound flight.

The operator had permission to fly in controlled airspace over the airport while they photographed a nearby housing development.

They had their phone with them as required by Air Traffic Control.

But it was on silent.

Aircraft prepared to depart Rotorua, but the drone was now in the way. Airways’ attempts to contact the drone operator went to voicemail.

Two aircraft on the apron, waiting to depart, had to delay their departure by half an hour.

An inbound aircraft was also affected, with the crew preparing to enter a holding pattern, before the drone was removed in time for the plane to land normally.

In a separate instance, five flights were delayed at Auckland Airport in late January this year as a drone flew into controlled airspace.

The Herald reported that police were notified but the CAA did not receive an occurrence report.

However, CAA data shows that between 2022 and November 2024 there were 10 occurrences of unmanned aircraft on or near runways.

“I felt like an idiot”

The drone operator from Rotorua says he feels a bit foolish about the whole thing.

“It was a silly mistake, and I felt like an idiot when I realised what I’d done.

“I made some very profuse apologies to air traffic control. I’ll make sure I keep my phone on vibrate mode in future, so I know when someone’s calling me and nothing like this happens again.”

CAA Team Leader of Part 102 operations, Corey Price, says it’s crucial to remain in contact with Airways when you’re flying your drone in controlled airspace.

“Even if, like this operator, Airways has given you permission to fly your drone within controlled airspace – you must comply with the clearance given – including having a phone with you so the tower can contact you if they need to.

“Air traffic control may need to ask you to land your drone to maintain separation from other aircraft also using that airspace.”

A matter of when

Drones are increasingly becoming part of the aviation landscape, especially in the agricultural industry.

The risk of accidents between manned and unmanned aircraft in the sector are high, says NZ Agricultural Aviation Association Executive Officer, Tony Michelle.

“We recently had a forester tell a helicopter pilot, ‘I just started doing surveys at 780 feet instead of 400 feet – it’s way faster’.1

“We’ve also had a report of a pilot being told by a drone-owning farmer, ‘I saw you coming in and had the drone up, but I kept out of your way’.

“Sometimes I think a collision between an ag aircraft and a drone is simply a matter of when, not if,” says Tony.

CAA data shows there were 169 reported occurrences involving drones and traditional aircraft between 2021 and November 2024.

During this time, there were 19 near collisions.

Tony says it’s critical both pilots and drone operators do everything they can to stay safe.

“Unmanned operators need to be posting on Flight Advisor and ag pilots should be checking Flight Advisor.2

“Drone operators will often have a radio receiver on them so pilots, make regular position reports, and use and maintain lookout.”

Tony says the best tool to avoid collisions is for the drone operator to place an advisory on Flight Advisor and have a NOTAM issued when operating over 400 ft AGL.

“It’s really important traditional pilots check NOTAMs, including enroute NOTAMS.

“Ag pilots can also reduce their chance of a collision by flying higher.

“At 1000 ft, you’re less likely to encounter unmanned aircraft traffic, as the rules require most unmanned aircraft activity to remain below 400 ft.”

Best practice tips

CAA’s Corey Price says drone operators need to remember that piloted aircraft always have right-of-way over uncrewed aircraft.

“Nevertheless, it’s also good practice for pilots of traditional aircraft to have ADS-B OUT switched on, regardless of the airspace you’re in.

“Many drones can detect aircraft fitted with ADS-B, so it’s worth having yours turned on whenever you’re flying, not just in airspace where its mandatory.

“There are also some unmanned aircraft now approved to use ADS-B OUT, so investing in ADS-B IN will improve your situational awareness.”

Corey agrees with Tony that checking NOTAMs is critical.

“Also check the AIP supplements before you fly.

“At the end of the day, for those pilots flying traditional aircraft, all the usual airmanship principles still apply even with the introduction of these remotely piloted aircraft.

“This includes thorough pre-flight preparation and planning, and maintaining a good lookout.

“You should also listen to the radio and broadcast accurate position reports and your intentions regularly to help you and others using that airspace maintain situational awareness.

“It also includes being prepared to take action to avoid a collision should that become necessary.”

For more information see CAA's drones section.

New Department of Conservation permit system

All aircraft, including drones, operating over conservation land need a permit to do so.

A new system is in place that categorises locations Green (likely), Orange (assessment required), or Red (unlikely).

CAA Deputy Director of Emerging Technologies Programme, Scott Griffith, says the requirement for a DOC permit also applies to Part 102 drone operators.3

“While you may have mitigated any risks, for instance having a NOTAM issued, you still need to seek permission from the Department of Conservation.

“This is because DOC wants to be assured that conservation land won’t be negatively affected by your operation.

“Ideally, operators should be in contact with any parties interested in where the operator wants to fly.”

DOC has also reported an increase in the number of instances of drones flying too close to marine mammals.

This includes whales, dolphins, and seals.

Sighting of Orca and Sperm whales near Napier in the middle of last year prompted DOC to remind drone operators that drone proximity can cause severe disturbance to such wildlife.

Flying closer than 500 feet horizontally from any point directly above any marine mammal is also an offence under the Marine Mammals Protection Regulations 1992.



1 According to rule 101.207 an operator cannot fly their drone higher than 400 feet above ground level

2 Flight Advisor(external link) allows pilots to access low-level flight routes, lower-level NOTAMS, and user-identified ground hazards and other flight advisories from AirShare.

3 See DOC website: Drone permit guidelines for conservation land(external link)

Posted 12 days ago