The Work Together, Stay Apart safety campaign has come to an end after two years. Please continue to use and share the resources to keep the campaign’s purpose alive.

Since launching our Work Together, Stay Apart campaign in June 2023, we’ve been encouraged by a response that shows there are many in the sector clearly committed to increasing safety at unattended aerodromes. To acknowledge that commitment we’ve established a statement of commitment for individuals and organisations across the general aviation sector to sign.

LogoStatement of Commitment

All participants who operate at and from unattended aerodromes, and those who influence those operations, have a role to play in working together and staying apart to reduce the likelihood of mid-air accidents and the number of near-collision and air proximity events within the circuit.

Signatories of this document state their commitment to:

  • adopt the recommendations of the Work Together, Stay Apart safety campaign by modelling best practice when operating from unattended aerodromes
  • raise awareness of the safety campaign, and its resulting resources and events
  • participate in opportunities to learn and engage with others in the aviation sector.

In addition, signatory organisations commit to:

  • publicly endorsing the Work Together, Stay Apart safety campaign.
  • enabling their members, employees, students, trainees and volunteers to participate in opportunities arising from the safety campaign
  • providing training opportunities for their people.

Planes on a runway

Those who signed the Statement of Commitment have set an example for our peers in the aviation community.

View the public list of signatories



The Statement of Commitment to Work Together, Stay Apart is not a contract, it’s just a good faith statement of you or your organisation’s commitment to the safety campaign. It does not supersede the Act, any Civil Aviation Rules or other CAA guidance such as that contained in an Advisory Circular, but is intended to complement those obligations.

For New Zealand Defence Force Aviation, the statement does not supersede any Defence Aviation Rules and is subject to any exigencies of the Defence Aviation Sector.