Published date: 10 August 2022


This advisory circular (AC) describes an acceptable means of compliance with requirements for electronic signature, electronic record keeping, and electronic manual systems/programs. While all three have been addressed in the one AC, there is no requirement for a participant to include all three in their organisation, as any combination is acceptable.

It is the participant’s responsibility to address all the requirements of the Civil Aviation Rules as well as the requirements of the Contract and Commercial Transactions Act. This AC applies to aviation document holders who seek to incorporate electronic signature, record keeping or manual systems and programs into their operations.

Related rules

This AC relates specifically to various Civil Aviation Rules identified in Appendix A.

Change notice

This AC cancels revision 0.1 of AC00-6, dated 7 April 2021. Revision 1 corrects an inaccurate reference to AC43-1, in Appendix A, p 17.